Last One Standing
Welcome to the demo !
Last One Standing is an action roguelite where you must survive against waves of increasingly powerful enemies.
After each wave, you can choose an upgrade for your character. Make your own build and find the best combos to survive the longest!
Use the coins you get by killing monsters to buy permanent upgrades at the shop!
Menus : ZQSD/WASD, Space/Mouse click, Echap
Game : ZQSD/WASD + Mouse Click
Full version features
- infinite levels & a leaderboard
- over 20 enemies
- 4 bosses
- 3 unlockable swords with uniques abilities
- 4 different difficulties
- new pickups, powerups, upgrades, combos, procs and builds
- and much more..!
The full version is currently in standby as I am working on other projects
Some of the assets :,,
Music :
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Hey! I see a good potencial on this! The only thing that i would change would be to make a continues game. Instead of clearing a level and start all over again, pause the game to select the upgrade and continue to fight the enemies.
Other than that, good graphics and good music!
Keep up the nice work!
Thank you for the kind words :)
For now I have decided to make levels work in this way for balancing and rythm purposes, but I will definitely experiment with other systems (no enemy despawn, XP drops on enemy kill) and see what works best for the final version. If nothing else, I'm working on an endless mode with a leaderboard, which works with an XP system.
Having played some more, here's my thoughts:
A lot more fun with the new changes. Having a few more coins under the belt made other tactics more viable, though a lot of them still end up dying to being too slow near level 30. It doesn't feel like I need to use skill to dodge the enemies other than slightly dodging their bullets, since they will home at me at increasing speed, with either me outspeeding them, or them being faster than me with no way to dodge.
There might be use for a "slow down" button against the ox boss, some of its patterns are plain impossible when you have a high move-speed.
The game is missing some basic features like progress being saved, and no volume sliders. Saving in particular is very annoying to not have.
It was a lot of fun finding all the different hidden abilities, though I wish it was possible to see which ones I've managed to find (and possibly what I did to unlock them). Specifically in-between runs, being able to see all I've unlocked ever
Some of the stat boosts don't match up with what they do, all attack speed boosts for example only give 0.1a/s each. Piercing swords also doesn't seem to work, or doesn't scale with projectile damage. Permanent bleed doesn't stack with upgrade bleed.
Lucky requirements are a bit unclear to me, it feels like I sometimes get it with less stat up upgrades than other times, but might just be me remembering wrong. Anti-projectile *can* work, but only if you have the speed to back it up. Oxe boss projectiles seemed to require a much much higher amount than the rest?
Glad you enjoyed it and took the time to try out new builds :)
Yes, the game is not entirely skill-based, it's partly a stat check with some runs being more lucky than others, and that is by design, I'll keep it this way for now (I plan to have 4 difficulties + endless mode tho).
Actually there is saving (settings, coins, shop upgrades), unfortunately it is tricky on itch io to keep saves between different web builds. The desktop version doesn't have this issue. So whenever I upload a new web build, all saved parameters go back to default. I actually made some modifications on the ox boss and piercing sword behavior before your comment but I'm not updating too often to not reset the save states haha.
Attack speed is rounded on the stat sheet, and makes less of a difference the more you take it, so that's why you might have felt that, but I'll check it out. Bleed and lucky should work fine but I'll take a look at it.
I will definitely add a bestiary + found upgrades collection at some point. And yes, the bosses require a lot damage to projectiles, so that it requires a lot of investment/compromises to trivialize them.
Thank you for your feedback :)
What's the AS calculation? I checked both in the 1s and 2s and had it specifically go up 0.1 points each time I took it. It'd be nice if it was displayed in a way where you can see exactly how much you're getting.
Bleed I checked by hitting an enemy once or twice to check how much damage it ticked, upgrading, then doing the same. Both dealt 1 damage per tick per attack if I got the first through permanent upgrade.
I thought it might be per upload, but jd to refresh at one point and lost my data again. I think it happened after I clicked too fast after exiting the shop and got stuck, so it's possible that bugged it on my end
Both issues where due to rounding in the texts. dmg txt was rounded down for some reason, so if you dealt 1.9 bleed dmg it would show 1.
AS calculation is that it gets closer and closer to the cap, that is basically the animation speed of an attack (around 0.2s). So you can't go over 5 APS, and the closer you get the less the stat is impactful. I rounded the number in the stat sheet a little more so that it's less confusing.
A cool prototype.
I like the sprite work, and the general concept. Definitely saving this for later, I can tell a lot of time went into this and it has a lot of potential.
I think bloodsplosions should trigger on every kill, not just sword kills. Would widen build variety, and every now and then you could see a couple chain explosions.
The invulnerable, unparryable red projectiles feel really bad. Maybe there's something I missed and I can destroy/parry them, but not having that as an option really damages the idea of using parry and just unfurling their own damage back at them.
Both boss fights feel like they could use more work on telegraphing attacks. They feel distinct from each other, but for the most part the telegraph for all the attacks is just kinda sitting there and flashing a bit.
The biggest critique in my opinion, is the performance though. The game feels super choppy, and that harms everything about the experience. If the performance could be bumped up somehow to feel smooth and fluid, it would immediately pay dividends on fun factor.
Hey, thank you for you detailed feeback!
There is actually a way in the game to make blood explosions trigger on every kill, just have to invest enough in it ;).
All projectiles can be destroyed/parried by investing enough in the "damage to projectile" stat. I agree it can feel like an annoying compromise to boost this stat compared to others.
Totally agree about all the telegraphing, the white flashing is basically a placeholder until I work onspecific telegraphing for each attack.
I'm surprised about the performance issue though, I haven't tested the game on a wide variety of setup/browsers, but the game should be smooth and fluid even with thousands of projectiles on the screen. Mind telling me the setup you're using (if it's unusual)? Also are the performance issues during the whole game or when there's many enemies/projectiles?
If the first two things are implemented already, then I think that just needs to be communicated better. I had kind of suspected that might be the case with the projectiles and did invest a bit but gave up when I kept encountering red shots.
As far as performance goes, I am using Chrome. 32BG ram, Ryzen 7 3700x for the cpu, and a 3070ti gpu. It's the whole game, I noticed it instantly when I started walking when I first played and before enemies really got a chance to spawn.
I don't mind the upgrade "procs" being a bit hidden, it makes it fun and surprising to discover them, it gets easier to get them with the bottom shop upgrades. I do agree that the damage to projectiles behavior, wording and color code is a bit confusing tho.
I'm sorry you had performance issues, I have no idea how to replicate or fix it, in my experience even on a very low end PC it should run fine :/
You probably have hardware acceleration disabled! I have it off in chrome for other reasons and getting the same choppiness on all unity games.
Fun, though it feels way too slow to gain coins. Doesn't feel like my progress is rewarded since I don't seem to get any bonus coins even when getting to floor 17 before dying on my second run (other than boss coins).
The one boss I've fought so far has been fun, but other than that the game has primarily been "run in one direction and hope I get good enough upgrades to kill the enemies before they catch up with me". Even if I primarily get strength and sword upgrades, it eventually becomes too risky to fight them head-on because of the low range of the sword compared to their movement speed.
Similarly, anti-projectile upgrades become kinda useless. They're only useful if I do close-combat fighting, but if I upgrade-anti-projectile skills, then I don't have enough attack-damage to do that. And if both me and the enemies are running faster than the projectiles it makes no sense to block or parry them.
Bleed is a bit OP right now, I would recommend making it lose stacks gradually. I like the max 10 bleed damage per tick on bosses, it works well with not making the fight over instantly, and still gives a sense of usefulness of upgrading bleed when I get a speed boost.
Contact damage by enemies is way too high, you should probably have a limit on how fast the same enemy can damage you again. Right now if they're faster than you they end up damaging you 3 times in half a second which just feels too punishing. Right now I mostly die from not spotting an enemy before I run into it, even with the 0.25 grace period upgrade.
All in all I had fun playing, I might try it again later. It'll be interesting to see if the permanent rewards end up making me too OP due to stacked upgrades, or if it'll just make the early-game faster.
Thank you for the great constructive feedback! All your points are relevant and I agree with most of your suggestions, they will help me balance the game.
Coins right now are indeed quite spare, especially in early levels. The goal is that the first tier of shop upgrades is easily accessible, while the other tiers are hard to obtain unless you stack the rare upgrade that drops more coins, if you feel like your character is strong enough. Giving bonus coins based on the level achieved is something I will try.
Running in one direction or running in circles is something I'm trying to avoid with the spawn system, I'll try to think up good ways to avoid that player behavior while still keeping an infinite map.
Right now some builds work with staying in melee range, but I agree the range is low and the "ranged build" feels much safer. I plan to add sword range upgrades, just need to do the art for it (I don't want to scale pixels).
I've noticed the same issue about projectiles, initially the gameplay was very focused on projectiles and parrying and I have a few ideas in mind to solve the problem you talk about.
Good idea about the bleed stacks. Right now I don't mind too much that it isn't capped on normal enemies, since it's one of multiple paths to get enough damage to deal with late game enemies. It's capped at 1%boss HP per tick.
About contact damage, there already is a limit, but I agree it sometimes feels too punishing and fast, I'm iterating on ways to change that.
Buying the whole shop will definitely make you OP for this version of the game, but might allow you to test out builds and hidden upgrades. Also, the second boss is stil waiting for you ;).